Budapest Zoo
Budapest Zoo
The Budapest Zoological and Botanical Garden was opened in 1866 in Városliget. It is one of the longest running zoological gardens in Europe. One can observe almost a thousand species of animals here. The classic buildings include the main gate, the owl castle, the magic mountain, the elephant house covered with Zsolnay tiles and the palm house, but you can also take a very interesting walk here from a botanical point of view. Besides the animals, there are also some local curiosities, such as the fact that the hippos bathe in the thermal water of the Saint King Stephen Spring, which also feeds some of the pools of the Széchenyi Bath. However, it is not recommended to bathe with them, but rather to take a day tour of the zoo. In the future it will be possible to visit the Pannonian primeval wilderness in the Pannon Park, with the associated Biodóm.

Budapest Zoo
Budapest 1146, Állatkerti krt. 6-12.
Tel. +36 1 273 4900 or +36 1 273 4901.