Cathedral of St. Martin Bratislava
Cathedral of St. Martin Bratislava
The Gothic three-nave church from the 15th century is considered the coronation church of the Hungarian kings. The three-nave Gothic cathedral of Bratislava was built on the site of an earlier Romanesque church from 1221, dedicated to the Holy Savior. Its construction began at the beginning of the 14th century. It was here that Ludwig van Beethoven performed his work Missa solemnis for the first time in Bratislava in 1835. A few years later, in 1884, Franz Liszt also conducted a Hungarian coronation mass here. The top of the cathedral's 85-high tower is decorated with a gilded replica of St. Stephen's crown - a copy of the Hungarian royal crown. The imitation weighs 150 kilos and is more than 1.5 meters tall. It is a landmark of this coronation church. From the original six bells, only the largest and oldest one of the church has been preserved. It is called Wederin, and was cast in 1674 by Balthasar Herold. This bell, weighing 2.5 tons, is one of the most valuable bells in Europe.

Katedrála sv. Martina
Rudnayovo nám. 1
811 01 Bratislava
Phone + 421/02/544 313 59