Stone bridge Regensburg
Stone bridge Regensburg
When visiting Regensburg, it is not to be missed: A masterpiece of medieval architecture in Germany - The Stone Bridge.
Next to Regensburg Cathedral, it is the city's most important landmark and was certainly one reason for Regensburg's inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Stone Bridge, which connects the old Bavarian district of Stadtamhof with Regensburg's old town, was considered a true wonder of the world in the Middle Ages. It was built within only 11 years, probably from 1135 to 1146. The busy trade traffic of Regensburg, an important economic center in the Middle Ages, required the permanent river crossing. Thus, the council and citizens decided to build the structure. For almost 800 years, until 1935, it remained the only bridge that served as a reliable Danube crossing in Regensburg and in the wide surrounding area.
In stone round arches, the impressive structure spans the river for about 300 meters. The bridge itself stands on sixteen foundation feet, on which the barrel vaults of the actual bridge structure rest. As the entrance to the city, the bridge was originally guarded by three towers. Today, only the bridge tower remains, providing an excellent vantage point over the city. The walk across the Stone Bridge is one of the most rewarding undertakings during a vacation in Regensburg: from the historic Old Town across the Danube, past the "Bruckmandl" that adorns the apex of the bridge to the idyllic district of Stadtamhof. The wonder of medieval engineering, which became the model for the famous Charles Bridge in Prague, is now closed to traffic.

Tourist Information
Old City Hall, Rathausplatz 4
93047 Regensburg
Phone: +49 941 507-4410