The Return of the Legion: Roman Heritage in Upper Austria
The Return of the Legion: Roman Heritage in Upper Austria
This year, the Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition is all about the Romans. From April 27 to November 4, 2018, the provincial exhibition offers a multi-layered insight into the life of the Romans 1800 years ago and leads visitors on a search for clues to the time of the "Imperium Romanum". Visitors can expect show excavations, experiments, impressive original finds, research adventures for young archaeologists, interactive apps and virtual worlds to explore the former Roman Empire in Upper Austria. The main sites are the town of Enns, the oldest town in Austria, and the Schlögen and Oberranna sites in the Upper Danube Valley.
The Romans on the Danube in Upper Austria
For more than 500 years, the Roman Empire with its legionaries, craftsmen and farmers, its architecture, forts and baths shaped our country and left lasting traces. Roman soldiers built legionary camps, forts and watchtowers along the Danube and thus not only secured the northern border of the Imperium Romanum for centuries, but also brought the achievements of Roman civilization to this region, which was reflected in a lively cultural exchange and a flourishing economy.
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